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About BYL-A

Balkan Youth Link Albania (BYL-A) is a non profit organization which functions and it is organized as a center according to Law no. 8878, dated 05.07.2001 On non profit organizations. 

The highest governing body of the organization is the Board of Directors composed by five members, and the highest executive body is the Executive Director.

The organization has its headquarters in Tirana and it implies a network of volunteers and citizens clubs in Tirana and cities all over Albania.

BYL-A is established as part of a youth network in the Balkan Countries to the scope of promoting cross border youth initiatives and youth leadership locally and regionally.

It is established by a group of Albanian young people who turned to be today leaders in different areas, such as civil society, justice system, banking sector, media, political sciences and medical sciences.

Currently, BYL-A is very present in the civil society with initiatives on citizens’ participation, good governance and rule of law, prevention of violence against young women, prevention of juvenile crime and prevention of youth migration for poverty reasons.

BYL-A has undertaken initiatives for and it strongly supports: the development of active civil society, good governance and rule of law, vulnerable people (such as distressed women, street children, people with disabilities), minorities, as well as poor people and the enhancement of youth leadership all over Albania.

BYL-A implies a team of 30 experts on legal issues, civil society, gender issues, media, political sciences, social sciences, democracy and rule of law.

BYL-A has a network of 23 citizens’ clubs allover Albania. Each club represents a high school and its membership varies from 20 to 70 persons. The citizens’ clubs function on voluntary basis, and their members are trained with practices of active citizenship and good governance. Said clubs were established on 2004.

BYL-A has trained a team of 150 students from universities of Tirana and other cities on voluntarism who give their contribution to the organization daily and on project basis.


Balkan Youth Link Albania:
Rrjeti i Debatit - Balkan Youth Link Albania


Application Form

Freja Forum - Forum for Regional and European Joint Activities
Istanbul, Turkey, 9 -11 November 2012.
Civil society organizations form Balkans, Turkey and EU will discuss on democracy, equal opportunities and social innovations.

BYL- A is part of NGOs network that took part on the organization of events under the frame of International Volunteer Day (December 5th, 2010)
For more click here.

Swiss Cooperation Office in Albania

USA Embassy - Tirana UNICEF Vodafone Albania Foundation UN Women      

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